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School Age Programs


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Our Kindergarten Room staff are dedicated to creating a nurturing, loving environment for your child. 
In our half day and full day private Kindergarten programs, your child will have the opportunities to focus

on and master critical skills needed for first grade. Through guided practice, hands-on learning, inquiry,

and structure, our Kindergarteners program exceeds the standards set by the state of Virginia and allows

our students to become independent learners.


Our year in phonics begins with sight words, beginning sounds, ending sounds, and vowels. Children are grouped together, after assessments, based on their phonetic awareness. What one child already knows, some may still need to learn. But there is no pressure to speed up the learning process because our reading program is individualized so that students are always challenged but never frustrated. With leveled reading books, weekly sight words or word study, and constant review most students will be able to read before the end of the year.


Our approach to math and science is hands on. Students always get time to work at their seat during quiet time, but that is not where the bulk of learning occurs. Being STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) Literate is vital in our modern world and our small group sizes takes full advantage, with teacher led projects and activities that get their brains going. Real world connections to science and social studies are integrated into our curriculum. Through textbooks, newspapers, science experiments, and using nature and the world around us as tools, our Kindergarteners are discovering more about the world around us.


We believe in the old but true anonymous saying,

“All I really need to know about how to live and what to do and how to be I learned in Kindergarten.”

At our school, this quote shines true!



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Afterschool Programs:

Our After Kindergarten and School Age Programs are accommodating programs designed for the parent that requires a service that includes either taking their child to, or picking up their child from school for children attending an elementary school in the vicinity of our center. Transportation is provided for children in Kindergarten throughout Elementary School.


King Solomon’s Christian Academy understands that school-aged children need to be in a supportive environment that sets the tone for the start of their school day and that also provides an outlet for their energy at the end of the day.


The morning session consists of both social and quiet activities, such as reading, table toys, and games. Time is scheduled for the children to organize their school materials, as well as themselves, prior to their departure for school.


The afternoon program begins at 3pm as students from different elementary schools arrive at our center. The first part of their day is homework time. Students receive the help and support they need to complete assignment neatly and correctly. Students without homework engage in fun learning games and activities that keep their minds going, even when their school day is done. Students in Grades 3 and up also work on SOL prep with teachers who have years of tutoring and test prep background. We want to make sure all our students succeed, even if they are only here for a few hours.


Aftter homework and educational activities, students get snack and gym time. Gym time at King Solomon's is all about being phycially fit. Students engage in drills, games, and exercises that help them develop gross motor skills and coordination. Students are excited everyday to participate and get healthy. We foster a competitive environment that allows each child to feel accomplished at the end of the day.


Our programs help children explore, discover, make new friends, and learn new skills led by our friendly, enthusiastic staff and convenient and extended hours.


In the summer time, we kick into high gear with our exciting Summer Camp!


  • Focuses on task for 45 min to 1 hour

  • Sits still for 30 min, during circle time

  • Raises hand for help

  • No red days for behavior

  • Consistently participates in classroom activities

  • Can patiently wait for 15 minutes

  • Good sportsmanship


Gross Motor:

  • Swinging self on swings

  • Monkey bars, pull ups

  • Walk a balance beam

  • Balls into basketball hoop

  • Kicking balls into soccer goal

  • Balance on one foot in various yoga poses



  • Recognition uppercase and lowercase letters

  • Alphabet sounds

  • Beginning and ending sounds

  • Knows the difference between consonants and vowels

  • At least 100 sight words (true goal is 200)

  • Blending sounds with 4 or more letters

  • Reading at Grade 1 level




  • Counting to 100

  • Recognizing numbers to 100

  • Recalls numbers that come before and after

  • Counting by 1, 2, 5, 10

  • Comparing numbers

  • Addition, conceptually and number facts

  • Subtraction, conceptually and number facts

  • Telling time by the quarter hour

  • Recognizes and counts bills and coins

  • Place value: ones, tens, hundreds

  • Addition with 2 or more digits



Self Help:

  • Ties own shoes

  • Keeps track of own supplies

  • Attempts to solve own problems or issues with other student or during work

  • Asks help from teacher when needed

  • Understand when to tell a teacher and when not to tattle tale


Social Studies:

  • Understand the basic concept of elections

  • Recognizes important figures throughout history

  • Recalls the discovery of USA

  • Recognizes continents, oceans, and states on a map

  • Understand the basic relationship between neighborhood, city, county, state, country



  • Legibly and consistently writes letters and numbers

  • Writing sentences correctly

  • Knows parts of a sentence

  • Independently writing sentences at least five words long

  • Beginning to write paragraphsn with consistent theme throughout

  • Remebers what happens in stories

  • Understands themes, plots, and settings from a story



  • Spacial Awareness and logical reasoning

  • Number Sense

  • Use of measuring tools

  • Graphs

  • Comparative analysis

  • Typing with correct finger placement

  • Ability to navigate desktop

  • Internet search tools

  • Force, motion, gravity, friction, magnets, states of matter

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